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职称 教授

学位 博士

政治面貌  民盟盟员

邮箱 liguangyu@mail.hzau.edu.cn

研究方向 毒理生态及环境健康


2005/9 - 2010/7,中国科学院水生生物研究所,水生生物学,博士,

2001/9 - 2005/7,华中师范大学,生物技术,学士





2018/11 - 至今,华中农业大学,jxf吉祥官网总站,教授,博士生导师





1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目、31570510、《微囊藻毒素的母代转移途径及其诱发子代神经毒性的机制研究》、2016/1-2019/12、主持。

2. 武汉市湖泊水生态调查项目、2019、参与

3. 小江鱼类人工增殖放流控制浮萍技术、2016/1-2017/12、主持

4. 霍英东教育基金青年教师基金(教育部人才项目)、141078、《孕期微囊藻毒素暴露诱发胎鼠发育迟缓的分子机制》、2014/1-2015/12、主持。

5. 太湖浮游植物样品的鉴定技术、2014、主持

6. 国家自然科学青年基金、31200402、《微囊藻毒素的母体传递效应对斑马鱼子代胚胎发育的影响》2013/1-2015/12、主持。

7. 教育部新教师基金、20120146120008、《环境浓度微囊藻毒素暴露诱发斑马鱼子代胚胎发育毒性的分子机制》、2013/1-2014/12、主持。

8. 湖北省自然科学基金、2011CDB151、《微囊藻毒素诱发斑马鱼胚胎细胞凋亡的分子机制研究》、2011/1-2012/12、主持。


在环境领域顶级期刊Environmental Science:NanoArchives of ToxicologyToxicological SciencesEnvironmental PollutionScience of the Total Environment等国际杂志发表多篇学术论文。多次受本领域学术会议邀请做学术报告。担任Environmental Science and TechnologyChemosphere等杂志审稿人。


  1. Wu Q, Yan W, Liu CS, Hung TC, Li GY*. 2018. Parental transfer of titanium dioxide nanoparticle aggravated MCLR-induced developmental toxicity in zebrafish offspring Environmental Science: Nano, 5, 2952-2965. (影响因子 7.704;中科院一区)

  2. Cheng HC, Wu Q, Yan W, Liu CS, Hung TC, Li GY*. 2018. Adverse reproductive performance in zebrafish with increased bioconcentration of microcystin-LR in the presence of titanium dioxide nanoparticle. Environmental Science: Nano, 5:1208-1217. (影响因子 7.704;中科院一区)

  3. Wu Q, Yan W*, Liu CS, Hung TC, Li GY*. 2019. Co-exposure with titanium dioxide nanoparticles exacerbates MCLR-induced brain injury in zebrafish. Science of The Total Environment, 693, 133540. (影响因子 5.578JCR一区)

  4. Wu Q, Yan W, Cheng HC, Liu CS, Hung TC, Guo XC, Li GY*. 2017. Parental transfer of microcystin-LR induced transgenerational effects of developmental neurotoxicity in zebrafish offspring. Environmental Pollution 231:471-478. (影响因子 5.714JCR一区)

  5. Cheng HC, Yan W, Wu Q, Liu CS, Gong XY, Hung TC, Li GY*. 2017. Parental exposure to microcystin-LR induced thyroid endocrine disruption in zebrafish offspring, a transgenerational toxicity. Environmental Pollution 230, 981–988. (影响因子 5.714JCR一区)

  6. Li GY#, Ye HK, Su GY, Han ZH, Xie CX, Zhou BS, Letcher RJ, Giesy JP, Yu HX, Liu CS. 2017. Establishment of a three-step method to evaluate effects of chemicals on development of zebrafish embryo/larvae. Chemosphere 186, 209-217. (影响因子 5.108JCR一区)

  7. Wu Q, Yan W, Liu CS, Li L, Yu L, Zhao SJ, Li GY*. 2016. Microcystin-LR exposure induces developmental neurotoxicity in zebrafish embryo. Environmental Pollution 213, 793-800. (影响因子 5.714JCR一区)

  8. He J #, Li GY #, Chen J #, Lin J, Zeng C, Chen J, Deng J, Xie P*. 2017. Prolonged exposure to lowdose microcystin induces nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in mice: a systems toxicology study. Archives of Toxicology 91, 465-480. (影响因子 5.901;中科院一区)

  9. Li GY#, Yan W, Dang Y, Li J, Liu CS, Wang J*. 2015. The role of calcineurin signaling in microcystin-LR triggered neuronal toxicity. Scientific Reports 5:11271. (影响因子 5.228JCR二区)

  10. Li J, Giesy JP, Yu L, Li GY*, Liu CS*. 2015. Effects of tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TDCPP) in Tetrahymena Thermophila: targeting the ribosome. Scientific Reports 5:10562. (影响因子 5.228)

  11. Li G, Cai F, Yan W, Li CR, Wang JH*. 2012. A proteomic analysis of MCLR-induced neurotoxicity: implications for Alzheimer's disease. Toxicological Sciences 127: 485-495. 2012b. (影响因子5.019JCR一区)

  12. Xie L, Yan W, Yu L, Wang J, Li GY*, Chen N*, Alan DS. 2015. Microcystin-RR exposure results in growth impairment by disrupting thyroid endocrine in zebrafish larvae. Aquatic Toxicology 164:16-22. (影响因子 3.884JCR一区)

  13. Zhao SJ, Li G*, Chen J*. 2015. A proteomic analysis of prenatal transfer of microcystin-LR induced neurotoxicity in rat offspring. Journal of Proteomics 114: 197-213. (影响因子 3.867JCR二区)

  14. Zeng C, Sun H, Xie P, Wang JH, Zhang GR, Chen N, Yan W*, Li GY*. 2014. The role of apoptosis in MCLR-induced developmental toxicity in zebrash embryos. Aquatic Toxicology 149: 25-32. (影响因子 3.884JCR一区)

  15. Li GY, Yan W, Cai F, He Y, Chen N, Wang JH*.2014. Spatial learning and memory impairment and pathological change in rats induced by acute exposure to microcystin-LR. Environmental Toxicology 29: 261-268. (影响因子 3.193)

  16. Li G, Yan W, Qiao Q, Chen J, Cai F, He Y, Zhang X*. 2012. Global effects of subchronic treatment of microcystin-LR on rat splenetic protein levels. Journal of Proteomics 77: 383-393. (影响因子 3.867)

  17. Liu CS, Yan W, Zhou BS, Guo YY, Liu HL, Yu HX, Giesy JP, Wang JH, Li GY*, Zhang XW*. Characterization of a bystander effect induced by the endocrine-disrupting chemical 6-propyl-2-thiouracil in zebrafish embryos. Aquatic Toxicology 118: 108-115. 2012. [影响因子 3.72]

  18. Yan W, Zhou Y, Yang J, Wang JH, Chen J*, Li GY*. Waterborne exposure to microcystin-LR alters thyroid hormone levels and gene transcription in the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis in zebrafish larvae. Chemosphere 87(11): 1301-1307. 2012. [影响因子 3.15]

  19. Li GY, Chen J, Xie P*, Jiang Y, Wu LY, Zhang XZ. Protein profiles in zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos exposed to microcystin-LR. Proteomics 11:2003-2018. 2011. [影响因子 4.82]

  20. Li GY, Shen D, Liang XF*, He Y, He S. Effects of malachite Green on the mRNA expression of detoxification-related genes in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and other major Chinese freshwater fishes. Environmental Toxicology 28: 137-145. 2013. [IF 2.40]

  21. Li GY, Xie P*, Li HY, Hao L, Xiong Q, Qiu T. Acute effects of microcystins on the transcription of 14 glutathione S-transferase isoforms in Wistar rat. Environmental Toxicology 26:187-194. 2011. [IF 1.83]  

  22. Li GY, Xie P*, Li HY, Hao L, Xiong Q, Qiu T, Liu Y. Involment of p53, Bax, and Bcl-2 pathway in microcystins-induced apoptosis in rat testis. Environmental Toxicology 26:111-117. 2011. [IF 1.83]  

  23. Li GY, Xie P*, Li HY, Chen J, Hao L, Xiong Q. Quantitative profiling of mRNA expression of glutathione S-transferase superfamily genes in various tissues of bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis). Journal of Biochemistry Molecular Toxicology 24:250-259. 2010. [IF 1.96]  

  24. Li GY, Xie P*, Fu J, Hao L, Xiong Q, Li HY. Microcystin-induced variations in transcription of GSTs in an omnivorous freshwater fish, goldfish. Aquatic Toxicology 88:75-80. 2008. [IF 3.52 ]  











2015年,校级教学研究项目 基础生物化学实验课件ppt的美化与应用

2015-2017年,校级重点建设课程项目 基础生物化学重点课程建设
