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职称 教授

学位 博士

政治面貌 中共党员

邮箱 kjwei@mail.hzau.edu.cn

研究方向 水产种质资源与遗传育种,水产增养殖





1986.09-1990.06, 华中农业大学淡水渔业专业,学士

1990.09-1993.06, 华中农业大学水生生物学专业,硕士

1999.09-2003.12, 华中农业大学水产养殖专业,博士


1993.07-1995.12 ,jxf吉祥官网总站,助教

1996.01-2001.12 ,jxf吉祥官网总站,讲师

2002.01-2018.12 ,jxf吉祥官网总站,副教授

2019.01 - 至今 ,jxf吉祥官网总站,教授

2007.09-2008.08, 新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学生物科学学院, 博士后





1. 国家自然基金,基于RAD-seq技术解析雅鲁藏布江异齿裂腹鱼的群体分化及其成因,2018/01-2021/12,主持

2. 华中农业大学双肩挑干部学术恢复期资助项目,正常和白化黄颡鱼TLR家族相关基因抗细菌感染免疫应答调控的比较研


3. “十二五”水专项子课题专题,水库调蓄区上游小流域鱼类和底栖动物种类调查,2014/03-2017/12,主持

4. 公益性行业(农业)科研专项子课题,西藏裂腹鱼的遗传多样性及保护技术研究,2012/01-2016/12,主持

5. “十二五”国家科技支撑计划项目课题,“淡水经济鱼类新品种选育”子课题,2012/01-2016/12,主持

6. 华中农业大学新进高层次人才科研基金,乌鳢不同群体的遗传变异和种质评价研究,2012/01-2016/12,参加

7. 农业部淡水生物多样性保护重点实验室开放课题,西藏巨须裂腹鱼遗传多样性与保护技术研究,2013/01-2015/12,主持

8. “十二五”水专项子课题专题,辽河保护区沉积物中大型底栖动物分类统计,2013/01-2014/12,主持

9. “十二五”水专项子课题专题,辽河保护区浮游生物调查统计,2014/01-2015/12,主持

10. 教育部留学人员回国基金,橄榄蛏蚌种群遗传结构和遗传多样性研究,2012/01-2014/12,主持


1.  Zhang XT#, Wei KJ#, Chen YY, Shi ZC, Liu LK, Li J, Zhang GR, Ji W*. 2018. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of tyr and tyrp1 genes in normal and albino yellow catfish Tachysurus fulvidraco. Journal of Fish Biology, DOI 10.1111/jfb.13556 (Published online: Feb 2018).

2.  Yan RJ, Zhang GR, Guo XZ, Ji W, Chen KC, Zou GW, Wei KJ*, Gardner JPA*. 2017. Genetic diversity and population structure of the northern snakehead (Channa argus) in central China: implications for conservation and management. Conservation Genetics, DOI 10.1007/s10592-017-1023-x (Published online: 25 Oct 2017).

3.  Wang KL, Ji W, Zhang GR, Wei KJ*, Shi ZC, Zhang XT, Zheng H, Fan QX. 2017. Molecular characterization and expression analysis of three TLR genes in yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco): Responses to stimulation of Aeromonas hydrophila and TLR ligands. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 66: 466-479.

4.  Zhang BC, Zhang GR, Ji W, Yang RB, Zou GW, Chen KC, Wei KJ*, Gardner JPA*. 2017. Development and characterization of 32 SNP markers for the northern snakehead (Channa argus) using high resolution melting (HRM). Conservation Genetics Resources, 9: 631-634.

5.  Zhang XT, Zhang GR, Shi ZC, YuanYJ, Zheng H, Lin L, Wei KJ*, Ji W*. 2017. Expression analysis of nine Toll-like receptors in yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) responding to Aeromonas hydrophila challenge. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 63: 384-393.

6.  Guo XZ, Zhang GR, Wei KJ*, Yan RJ, Ji W, Yang RB, Wei QW, Gardner JPA. 2016. Phylogeography and population genetics of Schizothorax o’connori: strong subdivision in the Yarlung Tsangpo River inferred from mtDNA and microsatellite markers. Scientific Reports, 6: 29821. DOI: 10.1038/srep29821.

7.  Zheng H, Ji W, Zhang GR, Zhang XT, Shi ZC, Wei KJ*, Yang RB, Gardner JPA. 2016. Molecular characterization and expression analyses of the complement component C8α, C8β and C9 genes in yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) after the Aeromonas hydrophila challenge. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 17, 345. DOI: 10.3390/ijms17030345.

8.  Zhang JY, Yang RB*, Yang XF, Fan QX, Wei KJ, Wang WM. 2016. Ontogeny of the digestive tract in mud loach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus larvae. Aquaculture Research, 47(4): 1180-1190. DOI: 10.1111/are.12574.

9.  Ma ZH, Bercsenyi M, Yang XF, Wei KJ, Yang RB*. 2016. The complete mitochondrial genome of pike-perch, Sander lucioperca (Perciformes: Percidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 27(5): 3135-3136. DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2015.1007300.

10.  张磊, 危起伟*, 张书环, 颉江, 褚志鹏, 魏开建, 文华, 蒋明. 2016. 饲料蛋白水平对达氏鲟幼鱼生长性能、体组成、消化酶活性以及血液生化指标的影响. 淡水渔业, 46(6): 79-85.

11.  李亮涛, 杨学芬, 杨瑞斌*, 樊启学, 魏开建, 蒋浩. 2016. 雅鲁藏布江中游东方高原鳅的年龄与生长特性. 华中农业大学学报, 35(6): 117-123.

12. 王丹丹, 张桂蓉, 魏开建*, Gardner JPA, 杨瑞斌, 陈昆慈, 邹桂伟. 2015. 乌鳢脑型芳香化酶基因cDNA的克隆及组织表达分析. 淡水渔业, 45(6): 9-15.

13. 王路平, 胡涛, 张桂蓉, 马徐发, 魏开建*. 2015. 锐钛型纳米二氧化钛对河蚬氧化应激的影响. 水生态学杂志, 36(5): 36-43.

14. Ji W, Ping HC, Wei KJ*, Zhang GR*, Shi ZC, Yang RB, Zou GW, Wang WM. 2015. Ghrelin, neuropeptide Y (NPY) and cholecystokinin (CCK) in blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala): cDNA cloning, tissue distribution and mRNA expression changes responding to fasting and refeeding. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 223: 108-119.

15. Wang DD, Zhang GR, Wei KJ*, Ji W, Gardner JPA, Yang RB, Chen KC. 2015. Molecular identification and expression of the Foxl2 gene during gonadal sex differentiation in northern snakehead Channa argus. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 41: 1419-1433.

16. Gardner JPA, Wei KJ*. 2015. The genetic architecture of hybridisation between two lineages of greenshell mussels. Heredity, 114: 344-355.

17. Zhang GR, Ji W, Shi ZC, Wei KJ*, Guo XZ, Xie CX, Wei QW. 2015. The complete mitogenome sequence of Ptychobarbus dipogon (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 26(5): 710-711.

18. Ji W, Zhang GR, Wei KJ*, Guo SS, Guo XZ, Wei QW. 2015. Characterization of the complete mitochondrial genome of Oxygymnocypris stewartii (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 26(5): 684-685.

19. Zou M, Zhang XT, Shi ZC, Lin L, Ouyang G, Zhang GR, Zheng H, Wei KJ*, Ji W*. 2015. A comparative transcriptome analysis between wild and albino yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco). PLoS ONE, 10(6): e0131504.

20. Wang YN, Zhang GR, Wei KJ*, Gardner JPA. 2015. Reproductive traits of the threatened freshwater mussel Solenaia oleivora (Bivalvia: Unionidae) from the middle Yangtze River. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 81(4): 522-526.

21. Ma ZH, Yang XF, Bercsenyi M, Wu JJ, Yu YY, Wei KJ, Fan QX, Yang RB*. 2015. Comparative mitogenomics of the genus Odontobutis (Perciformes: Gobioidei: Odontobutidae) revealed conserved gene rearrangement and high sequence variations. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16(10): 25031-25049.

22. Cao JF, Yang XF, Yang RB*, Wei KJ. 2015. Length-weight relationships and biological data of Odontobutis sinensis (Wu, Chen & Chong, 2002) from Liangzi Lake, China. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 31(4): 798-799. DOI: 10.1111/jai.12754. Aug 2015

23. Ji W, Zhang GR, Ran W, Gardner JPA, Wei KJ*, Wang WM, Zou GW. 2014. Genetic diversity of and differentiation among five populations of blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) revealed by SRAP markers: implications for conservation and management. PloS ONE, 9(9): e108967.

24. Guo SS, Zhang GR, Guo XZ, Wei KJ*, Yang RB, Wei QW. 2014. Genetic diversity and population structure of Schizopygopsis younghusbandi Regan in the Yarlung Tsangpo River inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 57: 141-151.

25. Qiu P, Yang XF, Wei KJ, Ma ZH, Yang RB*. 2014. Isolation and characterization of fourteen polymorphic microsatellite loci for Odontobutis sinensis. Conservation Genetics Resources, 6(3): 711-713.

26. Yan RJ, Wei KJ, Guo XZ, Zhang GR*, Gardner JPA, Yang RB, Chen KC. 2014. Isolation and characterization of nineteen novel polymorphic microsatellite loci for the northern snakehead Channa argus. Conservation Genetics Resources, 6(3): 621-623.

27. Guo SS, Zhang GR, Guo XZ, Wei KJ*, Ji W, Wei QW. 2014. Isolation and characterization of eighteen polymorphic microsatellite loci in Schizopygopsis younghusbandi Regan and cross-amplification in three other Schizothoracinae species. Russian Journal of Genetics, 50(1): 105-109.

28. Guo XZ, Zhang GR, Yan RJ, Ji W, Yang RB, Wei KJ*, Wang DQ*. 2014. Isolation and characterization of twenty-three polymorphic microsatellite loci in Schizothorax macropogon. Conservation Genetics Resources, 6(2): 483-485.

29. Guo XZ, Zhang GR, Wei KJ*, Ji W, Yang RB, Gardner JPA, Wei QW. 2014. Development and characterization of 20 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the Lhasa schizothoracin Schizothorax waltoni. Conservation Genetics Resources, 6(2): 413-415.

30. Ping HC, Feng K, Zhang GR, Wei KJ*, Zou GW, Wang WM. 2014. Ontogeny expression of ghrelin, neuropeptide Y and cholecystokinin in blunt snout bream, Megalobrama amblycephala. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 98: 338-346.

31. 张建业, 杨瑞斌*, 杨学芬, 王卫民, 魏开建, 樊启学. 泥鳅仔稚鱼消化道黏液细胞的发育. 华中农业大学学报, 2014, 33(4): 93-98.

32. Guo XZ, Zhang GR, Wei KJ*, Guo SS, Gardner JPA, Xie CX. 2013. Development of twenty-one polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite loci for Schizothorax o’connori and their conservation application. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 51: 259-263.

33. Guo SS, Zhang GR, Guo XZ, Wei KJ*, Qin JH, Wei QW. 2013. Isolation and characterization of twenty-four polymorphic microsatellite loci in Oxygymnocypris stewartii. Conservation Genetics Resources, 5: 1023-1025.

34. Zheng H, Zhang GR, Guo SS, Wei KJ*, Xie CX, Ge TM*. 2013. Isolation and characterization of fifteen polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite loci in Schizopygopsis younghusbandi Regan. Conservation Genetics Resources, 5: 1147-1149.

35. Liang T, Wang DD, Zhang GR, Wei KJ*, Wang WM, Zou GW. 2013. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of two β-defensin genes in the blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part B, 166: 91-98.

36. Guo XZ, Zhang GR, Wei KJ*, Guo SS, Qin JH, Gardner JPA. 2013. Isolation and characterization of 21 polymorphic microsatellite loci from Schizothorax o’connori and cross-species amplification. Journal of Genetics, 92: e60-e64.

37. Liang T, Ji W, Zhang GR, Wei KJ*, Feng K, Wang WM, Zou GW. 2013. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide 1 (LEAP-1) and LEAP-2 genes in the blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala). Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 35(2): 553-563.

38. Wei KJ, Wood AR, Gardner JPA*. 2013. Seascape genetics of the New Zealand greenshell mussel: sea surface temperature explains macrogeographic scale genetic variation. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 477: 107-121.

39. Wei KJ, Wood AR, Gardner JPA*. 2013. Population genetic variation in the New Zealand greenshell mussel: locus-dependent conflicting signals of weak structure and high gene flow balanced against pronounced structure and high self-recruitment. Marine Biology, 160: 931-949.

40. Feng K, Zhang GR, Wei KJ*, Xiong BX. 2013. Molecular cloning, tissue distribution, and ontogenetic expression of ghrelin and regulation of expression by fasting and refeeding in the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus). Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A, 319A: 202-212.

41. Xu Y, Zhang GR, Guo SS, Guo XZ, Wei KJ*, Ge TM*. 2013. Isolation and characterization of fifteen polymorphic microsatellite loci in the threatened freshwater mussel Solenaia oleivora (Bivalvia: Unionidae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 47: 104-107.

42. 王亚尼, 周序协, 张桂蓉, 魏开建*, 阮宜兵. 2013. 大茶湖浮游藻类调查与水质初步评价. 华中农业大学学报, 32(3): 118-123.

43. 冯科, 张桂蓉, 魏开建*, 熊邦喜. 2013. 鱼类生长激素释放肽及其受体的研究进展. 湖北农业科学, 52(3): 497-501.

44. Feng K, Zhang GR, Wei KJ*, Xiong BX, Liang T, Ping HC. 2012. Molecular characterization of cholecystokinin in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus): Cloning, localization, developmental profile and role in food intake regulation. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 38(6): 1825-1834.

45. 李乾坤, 张桂蓉, 魏开建*, 王亚妮, 郭向召, 陈在林, 鄢国新. 2012. 橄榄蛏蚌血细胞形态及吞噬能力的初步研究. 水生态学杂志, 33(3): 116-121.

46. 周玲玲, 张桂蓉, 魏开建*, 邹桂伟, 王卫民 等. 2011. 同域分布二倍体和四倍体泥鳅群体的遗传结构. 华中农业大学学报, 30(5): 624-630.

47. 郑鹏飞, 张桂蓉*, 魏开建, 邹桂伟, 王卫民 等. 2011. 二倍体和四倍体泥鳅线粒体ND-5/6基因多态性的PCR-RFLP分析. 水生态学杂志, 32(1): 51-56.  

48. 冉玮, 张桂蓉, 王卫民, 魏开建*, 周玲玲. 2010. 利用SRAP标记分析3个团头鲂群体的遗传多样性. 华中农业大学学报, 29(5): 601-606.

49. 潘雷雷, 张桂蓉, 魏开建*, 张洁*. 2010. 4种弹涂鱼鳃的形态度量学比较及其生态学意义. 动物学杂志, 45(4): 1-10.

50. Lv GJ, Xiong BX*, Liu M, Yang XF, Qin L, Chen P, Xu W, Liu JL, Wei KJ. 2010. Composition and structure of benthic macroinvertebrate community in two reservoirs in Hubei province, China: Response to eutrophication. Desalination and Water Treatment, 20(1-3): 297-306.

51. 单磊, 魏开建*, 张桂蓉, 邹桂伟, 王卫民. 2009. 长江中下游二倍体泥鳅4个种群的遗传多样性. 华中农业大学学报, 28(4): 453-458.


魏开建. 2016. 第五章 团头鲂种质资源挖掘与创新利用. 见: 梁旭方 主编, 湖北名优鱼健康养殖技术体系研究. 北京: 科学出版社(ISBN 978-7-03-047404-9), pp143-178.

魏开建. 2004. 第8章 多元线性回归和相关. 见: 蔡一林 岳永生 主编, 水产生物统计(全国高等农业院校教材). 北京: 中国农业出版社(ISBN 7-109-09511-8), pp159-181.




