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(通讯员 刘静霞)近日,我校jxf吉祥官网总站鱼类逆境发育遗传学团队在医学外周血管病领域期刊Angiogenesis在线发表了题为“Copper stress impairs angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis during zebrafish embryogenesis by down-regulating pERK1/2-foxm1-MMP2/9 axis and epigenetically regulating ccbe1 expression”的研究论文,该论文揭示了铜过载损伤斑马鱼胚胎发育过程中血管生成和淋巴管生成的机制。





该学科组一直围绕Cu稳态代谢失衡下的鱼类发育遗传学开展研究。本论文是继该学科组研究成果The FASEB Journal(Jin et al., 2021),BBA-GRM (Zhang et al., 2020),Cell Communication Signaling(Zhao et al., 2020),Frontiers in Immunology(Chen et al., 2020)后的又一重要发现。


Molecular transport and cell circulation between tissues and organs through blood and lymphatic vessels are essential for physiological homeostasis in vertebrates. Despite the report of its association with vessel formation in solid tumors, the biological effects of Copper (Cu) accumulation on angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis during embryogenesis are still unknown. In this study, we unveiled that intersegmental blood circulation was partially blocked in Cu2+-stressed zebrafish embryos and cell migration and tube formation were impaired in Cu2+-stressed mammalian HUVECs. Specifically, Cu2+-stressed embryos showed down-regulation in the expression of amotl2 and its downstream pERK1/2-foxm1-MMP2/9 regulatory axis, and knockdown/knockout of foxm1 in zebrafish embryos phenocopied angiogenesis defects, while FOXM1 knockdown HUVECs phenocopied cell migration and tube formation defects, indicating that excessive Cu2+-induced angiogenesis defects and blocked cell migration via down-regulating amotl2-pERK1/2-foxm1-MMP2/9 regulatory axis in both embryos and mammalian cells. Additionally, thoracic duct was revealed to be partially absent in Cu2+-stressed zebrafish embryos. Specifically, Cu2+-stressed embryos showed down-regulation in the expression of ccbe1 (a gene with pivotal function in lymphangiogenesis) due to the hypermethylation of the E2F7/8 binding sites on ccbe1 promoter to reduce their binding enrichment on the promoter, contributing to the potential mechanisms for down-regulation of ccbe1 and the formation of lymphangiogenesis defects in Cu2+-stressed embryos and mammalian cells. These integrated data demonstrate that Cu2+ stress impairs angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis via down-regulation of pERK1/2-foxm1-MMP2/9 axis and epigenetic regulation of E2F7/8 transcriptional activity on ccbe1 expression, respectively.

