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南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 于永耀)近日,我校jxf吉祥官网总站研究团队和美国宾夕法尼亚大学J. Oriol Sunyer教授团队合作研究成果以“Teleost swim bladder, an ancient air-filled organ that elicits mucosal immune responses”为题在Cell Discovery发表。研究首次发现低等脊椎动物鱼类的鳔具有重要黏膜免疫功能,揭示鱼类黏膜免疫球蛋白抗病毒感染的适应性免疫应答机制。








为了回答这一科学问题,研究团队从组织结构、淋巴细胞组成和免疫应答等方面对鱼鳔进行研究,发现鱼鳔具有肺类似的I型黏膜上皮,表面覆盖一层黏液,存在弥散性黏膜相关淋巴组织(MALT)。通过构建鳔注射传染性造血器官坏死病毒(IHNV)感染模型,发现病毒能够入侵上皮层,引起组织损伤,并诱导鳔组织产生强烈的先天和适应性免疫反应。进一步研究发现病毒感染后鳔黏膜中IgT+ B细胞显著增殖,并在局部分泌大量病毒特异性IgT,这些IgT由黏膜上皮细胞分泌的多聚免疫球蛋白受体(pIgR)介导转运。跟IgM和IgD相比,黏膜IgT对病毒具有更显著的中和作用。更重要的是,存活下来的鱼鳔黏膜抵御二次病毒入侵。当存活鱼鳔组织中IgT+ B细胞被耗竭(depletion)后,二次感染会导致病毒载量显著增加,组织病变再次发生,表明特异性IgT在鱼鳔黏膜抗病毒感染中发挥重要功能。这些结果首次揭示鱼鳔的黏膜免疫功能,表明尽管鱼鳔和四足动物肺在生物演化过程中分属两支,而且生理功能上存在很大差异,但它们拥有类似的黏膜免疫应答机制。

我校jxf吉祥官网总站博士后于永耀、博士生黄振宇和董雰,中国科学院水生生物研究所博士后孔维光为论文共同第一作者,中国科学院水生生物研究所徐镇研究员和美国宾夕法尼亚大学J. Oriol Sunyer教授为论文通讯作者。该研究得到国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、国家博士后创新人才计划等项目的支持。



The air-filled organs (AOs) of vertebrates (lungs and swim bladders) have evolved unique functions (air-breathing or buoyancy control in water) to adapt to different environments. Thus far, immune responses to microbes in AOs have been described exclusively in the lungs of tetrapods. Similar to lungs, swim bladders (SB) represent a mucosal surface, a feature that leads us to hypothesize a role for SB in immunity. In support, we demonstrate that secretory IgT (sIgT) is the key SB immunoglobulin (Ig) responding to viral challenge, and the only Ig involved in viral neutralization in that organ. In support of these findings, we found that the viral load of the SB from fish devoid of sIgT was much higher than that of control fish. Interestingly, and similar to the lungs in mammals, the SB represents the mucosal surface in fish with the lowest content of microbiota. Moreover, sIgT is the main Ig class found coating their surface, thus suggesting a key role of this Ig in the homeostasis of the SB bacterial microbiome. In addition to the well-established role of SB in buoyancy control, our findings reveal a previously unrecognized function of teleost SB in adaptive mucosal immune responses upon pathogenic challenge, while revealing a previously unidentified role of sIgT in anti-viral defense. Overall, our findings indicate that despite of the phylogenetic distance and physiological roles of teleost SB and mammalian lungs, they both have evolved analogous mucosal immune responses against microbes which likely originated independently through a process of convergent evolution.
